L'Absurde Séance proposes a filmic communion, a filmed orgy for all the spectators who are thirsty for thrills, fat laughter, shock emotions and sometimes doubtful taste. And seeing an audience let loose in an art and experimental cinema is like doing a rave at Sunday Mass!
We are a French non-profit association that loves to show people great movies that can't be seen at the cinema otherwise! We do that in the beautiful city of Nantes (France), during regular screening every two week and special events.
Every year during the Absurde Séance Nantes International Film Festival we screen movies for several days in a row in a well known cinema. Jury, guests, directors, actors, prices. But no bling-bling.
Around Halloween, every year, dozens of zombies meander the streets of Nantes. Those are not actual zombies, even if one would easily be mistaken, but our fellow audience members! When they are correctly immersed, they come back to the cinema to watch a selection of horror movies.
Our Fantastic Nights are like sophisticated marathons for movie fans! Two times per year, you can join us to a 4-movies-long night and get some laughs, thrills and suffering (sometimes both at the same time). Only the braves stay until the end! (the fact that you have almost no time to go to the toilets during the breaks might be a good explanation, according to scientists)
As indicated by their names, our DP or Double Program sessions can be painful. That being said, we always try to mate movies in the best possible way. For example, Seagal Vs. Van Damme or Trainspotting & Requiem for a Dream.
At the end of each season, we concoct you a very special evening. The recipe is simple: gore and boobs! Somewhat like a food and wine match, this visual meal should put you in an good appetite or on the contrary, cut it right ways! It depends.
Program, Press Relations